Presentation Guide
Presentation Guidelines
The organizing committee invites and encourages you all to share your experiences and knowledge by submitting the abstracts at the upcoming UltraFest2025 Conference in Mumbai. Please submit your abstracts in the prescribed format by 15th March 2025. Registration is mandatory for abstract submission.
The topic should be related to the conference theme. Original Research studies, case reports, case series, or Educational exhibits can be submitted for presentation.
The abstract for the scientific paper & poster should be structured abstract in the following headings:
- Title
- Introduction
- Material and Methods
- Results
- Conclusion
- References
Important Notes:
- A maximum of 4 authors (including co-authors) are allowed.
- The abstract should be submitted in a maximum of 200 words.
- It should be submitted using the submission form only (submission button below).
- An individual can send one abstract for paper & poster each.
- The presenting author has to register for the conference.
- The oral paper presentation will allot 8 minutes for presentation and 2 minutes for discussion (a total of 10 minutes).
- E-Paper will be presented in PowerPoint presentation in 10 slides.
- E-posters and Educational Exhibits should be made in 1 vertical PowerPoint slide (if it has video) or a vertical PDF file of 1 page only.
- Patient confidentiality must be protected. Identifiable information should not be visible on the images and presentations.
- Content should be checked for plagiarism.
- Authors should declare the Conflict of interest.
- The last date for abstract submission for paper/ poster is 15th March 2025.
- The scientific committee shall review all the abstracts. Abstracts will be selected for oral papers and E-papers on the merit of Content, novelty, and innovation.
- Abstracts selected for oral papers will be presented orally by the presenting author during the conference.
- E-posters and Educational Exhibits will be displayed as PowerPoint presentations during the conference.
- The acceptance of the abstract with a type of presentation and further guidelines will be notified by e-mail to the presenting author by 15th April 2025